About Us

Empowering Communities Through Inspired Events

At Discover Signature Events, our mission is to empower communities through inspired events. We believe in the power of events to create meaningful connections, ignite community spirit, and leave a lasting impact. We are committed to creating impactful, playful, and exciting events that serve as an extension of abundance and enrich Kamloops’ experiences.

We are architects behind socially and spiritually inspired events that fuel creativity and foster excitement, interest and innovation.

Rooted in our values is the drive to give back to the community and charities.

…our mission is to empower communities through inspired events.

Our Story

Discover Signature Events was founded with a passion for bringing people together and enriching the culture of Kamloops. Led by Corrinna Douglas, our team is dedicated to crafting memorable experiences that fill the unmet needs of our community. We operate on two distinct fronts:

1. Community Events:

We are the creative minds behind original events that bring excitement and inspiration to Kamloops. With a focus on discovery, we identify and fulfill the unmet needs of our community, weaving together moments of connection and inspiration. We’re architects masterminding original events that leave a lasting ‘wow’ effect. We are dedicated to shaping transformative experiences that fill the fun, informative, interactive, and social creating moments that attendees will cherish.

2. Event Planning Management:

Our expertise extends to managing events for businesses and non-profits. We focus on creative ideation and meticulous event management, ensuring that each event we handle serves as a catalyst for positive change and community connection. It is our goal to explore untapped potential provoking a sense of curiosity, innovation, and a willingness to push boundaries… in a good way.

Inspired Events, Connected Communities

About Corrinna Douglas

Signature Style, Infinite Possibilities

Corrinna Douglas is the owner and inspiration behind Discover Signature Events. With a rich background as a counselor, Corrinna’s passion for event organization spans community gatherings, fundraising events, and professional development conferences. Her dedication to fostering community support and reciprocal relationships drives her business. Discover Signature Events thrives on her creativity and passion for impactful community interaction and fun.

Previously, Corrinna dedicated over twenty years to supporting growth and empowerment for children, adolescents, at-risk youth, families, and vulnerable populations. Her approach has always been compassionate, supportive, and collaborative, offering a space for authenticity, safety, and honor. Because of this, she pivoted her career naturally to event planning. Corrinna Douglas’ vision and values embody the inspiration, uniqueness, integrity, authenticity, quality, and purpose of Discover Signature Events. With a core focus on discovery, she identifies the unmet needs within the community, creating moments of connection and inspiration.

Corrinna holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s degree in Clinical Counselling Psychology.

Corrinna Douglas

Our Commitment

We are deeply committed to giving back. Supporting local charities and initiatives is at the heart of what we do, ensuring that our events contribute to the greater good of the community.

Guiding Principles

Reveal, Connect, Inspire

We are socially and spiritually inspired: We design events that fill a gap in Kamloops, bringing new and exciting experiences to the community.

Creativity is fueled by new discovery: Creativity and our constant quest for discovery is at the heart of our process.

We are values-driven: Our work is rooted in core values and a commitment to giving back.

Excitement, innovation and impact drive us: Our events are not only exciting and playful but also impactful, leaving a lasting impression.

Our minds are set to an extension of abundance: We strive to enrich Kamloops’ cultural experiences, cultivating a world full of possibilities.

We believe in reciprocal relationships: Building and nurturing reciprocal relationships within the community is key to our approach.

Corrinna Douglas

Our Vision

Infinite Inspiration, Signature Quality

Whether we are managing an event for others or hosting our signature event, our approach is designed to empower and engage the local community. By fostering connections, inspiring creativity, and serving as catalysts for positive change, we aim to make Kamloops and its region a more connected and vibrant place.

Inspired Events Creating Meaningful Connections

Discover Signature Events represents fun, celebratory, high-energy, dynamic experiences. Join us in our mission to enrich the lives of those in Kamloops through the power of inspired events. Learn how Discover Signature Events explores and creates innovative events can bring something new and meaningful to Kamloops.